KyotoJack's Blog

Video Gaming And Japan

Hello comrades !

Its been a long time since I posted something on this blog so I thought I would take some time to write a short story on how I slept on a beach and this wasn't just any beach, It was a Scottish beach. Now anyone who lives in Scotland will tell you that although it can be warm during the Summer it can also be very cold during the evening.

Most would just say "Why not get a tent" well good thinking but I decided to try another method. Instead I used a bivvy bag. Its basically a huge thick sleeping bag which you can stick a normal sleeping bag into and it will keep you nice and cosy. I actually really quite enjoyed sleeping on the beach to tell the truth, Looking up at the stars and the slight breeze was actually quite refreshing, That was until morning of course..

Well since it was such a nice night I decided to not completely zip up my bivvy bag which of course came to great demise in the morning. It was 5AM and it was actually quite bright already which surprised me. But before I even realised that I was woken up by this huge raindrop to my eye, It was actually kind of scary but funny at the same time as I said to myself in my head "What the fuck am I doing out here".

But the worst of it is that during the morning in Scottish Summers they're tends to be a lot of midges lurking around for breakfast. The worst part was I had to get changed and repack my bivvy bag IN THE RAIN which really sucked as I was freezing afterwards. The funny thing was though another nice man Blair had still been sleeping about an hour after we had woken up. It was quite funny yo see him look around as he was left by himself.

But anyway guys before I ramble on just thought I would share this story with you when its still fresh.


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